Kingston Paint Collection
Kingston Paint's paint line is now available!
We have partnered with two Canadian (and from Ontario!) paint and stain manufacturers!
For your exterior projects try Kingston Paint Deck + Siding, available in a natural oil & acrylic blend translucent or an acrylic solid stain.
Interior paint, Kingston Paint Collection and Kingston Paint Classic are of exceptional quality and value.
For your exterior projects try Kingston Paint Deck + Siding, available in a natural oil & acrylic blend translucent or an acrylic solid stain. New for 2022, Kingston Paint Traditions Exterior House Paint is available in a breathable flat finish and a durable semi-gloss finish.
We will also have K-Prime, our full line of interior and exterior primers to ensure the success of your project.
We are "The Place to Start for a Great Finish".
Shop our new colour selection here!

K-Prime Interior/ Exterior Latex Super Adherent Conversion Primer KP1174

4 Oz Paint Sample Jar